هلآ وغلآ نورتوأإNightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking YEn93768

سِجلوًـو ماِرحُ تنًدمَوـو Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking 8zR93768
هلآ وغلآ نورتوأإNightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking YEn93768

سِجلوًـو ماِرحُ تنًدمَوـو Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking 8zR93768
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
آهلين فيك...يآآ زائر في (منتديآت استآر قيرل)...ممنوـوع منعآنآ بآتآ الآشهآر(بالرسآئل الخآصه)...لآاحلل نقل آي شيء من (منتدانآـآ)..حتى لوـو كآن (بسيطآـآ)..فكل مآوجد من جهدي (الشخصي)


 Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking

اذهب الى الأسفل 
3 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
ღمشرفة قسم صور المشاهيرღ
ღمشرفة قسم صور المشاهيرღ

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 6603
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 676
»»عٍمرُي : 27
»»تٍقيُمي : 3

Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking   Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking Emptyالأحد 28 فبراير 2010, 10:30

Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking

Nightmares and dreams, they're not so different. When you think about it, it's the same rules. Whether it is a nightmare or a dream, it's a reflection of your subconscious and imagination. Sleepwalkers are people who react to their dreams more than just writhing in the bed. I have sleepwalked a couple of times when I was younger, always remembering my dreams.

The first time, I dreamt was that my parents ran away from me. I tried to reach them, but they just kept running and running. The second time, I was being chased by something in a dark corridor. I also remember one time when I felt like I was being pushed hard into a wall. When I woke up, I discovered that I had fallen out of bed.

Those times that I felt real, physical pain, it was because something happened to me when I was asleep -- like the cat stomping on my face. The point is, that when I feel real physical in a dream, then something is happening to me. Usually it's nothing to worry about, but one time was a bit spooky.

I dreamt that I was in a hotel room watching TV, when all the lights went out, all but the TV. Then, I felt as if I was going to black out when something heavy and powerful was crushing me to the bed. I could read on the TV, in big letters YOU ARE GOING TO DIE. GOT YOU NOW. DIE. It went on and on. I felt excruciating pain. If I could have cried in the dream, I would have. Suddenly, everything went black.

I woke up, looked around and checked the time. It was long after midnight. I still felt some pain in my back and my face! I turned on a light and swept my hand over my face. There was blood. I was bleeding from my nose! I have never had a nosebleed in my entire life. I went into the bathroom to wash it off. Returning to bed, I tried to go back to sleep, but not before I contemplated how odd the blood was and what could have caused it.

Maybe I hallucinated, but I can swear that I saw something sitting on the edge of my bed. I panicked, but I fell back asleep right after that. When I woke up in the morning, I still felt adrenaline and a tight feeling in my chest. I've told my friends about this and they tell my I'm crazy! Well.... I may be, but I will never forget what happened that night.

Strange Dream, Two Crashes

One night, I was driving my mom's car on a U-shaped road. I guess it was some high-tech road of that age. My car suddenly crashed and I was standing in front of the car. I don't know how it crashed, I guess I just lost control.

I walked to the car and saw myself on the seat, dead. It was hard to understand, how could I be seeing myself lying in the car? Apparently, my neck had been cut through, a fatal wound. All of the sudden, I looked at my reflection. Indeed, my neck was slashed and had started bleeding.

A bright flash followed and I was standing at the end of a street. I saw a woman and her daughter cycling home. They left their bicycles behind and were about to enter their house. I asked them if they would help me get to a hospital but they didn't help because they didn't want to.

So there I was, bleeding to death, my neck had been cut by the glass of the car. Although the bleeding was intense, I didn't feel any pain. I actually felt good, even though knew that my neck was cut open. I started ringing everyone's doorbell. Unfortunately, right before they opened the door, they saw my neck and ignored me.

The next thing I knew I was sitting in a public bus with my father. Once again, I looked at my reflection from the window. The wound in my neck was much smaller this time and not bleeding. I was sitting in a chair, when the bus crashed. This was my second car crash that day.

This time I was seriously bleeding and I was the only one who was hurt. Weird, but as I was crawling on the floor to my father, I asked him if I could re-do the whole thing. Then, a passenger next to him put 50 eurocents in a pot. All of the sudden, I was sitting in the same chair again -- and re-lived the entire bus crash.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
The last sonG
The last sonG

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»»النِقآطُ : 5711
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 175
»»عٍمرُي : 32
»»تٍقيُمي : 0

Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking   Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking Emptyالأحد 28 فبراير 2010, 18:40

مشكوورة على القصة توحفة
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زهـ زيزو ـرة
مشُآركٍه بدٌورُه الفُوتشٌوبٍ≈
زهـ زيزو ـرة

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 7215
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 1225
»»عٍمرُي : 27
»»تٍقيُمي : 11

Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking   Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking Emptyالسبت 13 مارس 2010, 22:06

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Nightmares, Dreams and Sleepwalking
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