هلآ وغلآ نورتوأإ$iley and hannah hair looks YEn93768

سِجلوًـو ماِرحُ تنًدمَوـو $iley and hannah hair looks 8zR93768
هلآ وغلآ نورتوأإ$iley and hannah hair looks YEn93768

سِجلوًـو ماِرحُ تنًدمَوـو $iley and hannah hair looks 8zR93768
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
آهلين فيك...يآآ زائر في (منتديآت استآر قيرل)...ممنوـوع منعآنآ بآتآ الآشهآر(بالرسآئل الخآصه)...لآاحلل نقل آي شيء من (منتدانآـآ)..حتى لوـو كآن (بسيطآـآ)..فكل مآوجد من جهدي (الشخصي)


 $iley and hannah hair looks

اذهب الى الأسفل 
بنت لبنان الغالي
6 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
بنت لبنان الغالي
مشُآركٍه بدٌورُه الفُوتشٌوبٍ≈
بنت لبنان الغالي

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 6559
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 677
»»عٍمرُي : 31
»»تٍقيُمي : 4

$iley and hannah hair looks Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: $iley and hannah hair looks   $iley and hannah hair looks Emptyالسبت 03 أبريل 2010, 15:49

$iley and hannah hair looks Hairguide01
Things You Will Need:
*Blow Dryer
*Flat Iron
*Hair Ties

1. Hop in the shower and wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner. (Please note this hair guide works best on clean hair)
2. Blow dry your hair until it is fully dry and part your to the left of your head. Make sure you bring your bangs to the front.
3. Turn on the flat iron. Whilst it is heating up split your hair into equal sized sections.
4. Flat iron all of your hair until it is completely straight. You can also flat iron your bangs if you want to.
5. Take all of your hair and pull it around to the left side of your head. Make sure you leave your bangs and a small section of hair on the right out of the braid.
6. Braid your hair into a fishscale braid. (If you dont know how to do this just braid your hair into a normal braid). Make sure to only braid about half way down and secure the braid with a hair tie.
7. To finish spray your hair with a little bit of hairspray. Enjoy !

$iley and hannah hair looks Hairguide02
Things You Will Need:
*Blow Dryer
*Flat Iron
*Hair Grips

1. Hop in the shower and wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner. (Please note this hair guide works best on clean hair)
2. Blow dry your hair until it is fully dry and part your to the left of your head. Make sure you bring your bangs to the front.
3. Turn on the flat iron. Whilst it is heating up split your hair into equal sized sections.
4. Flat iron all of your hair until it is completely straight. You can also flat iron your bangs if you want to.
5. Take your bangs and pull them to the side and braid them. Once you have braided your bangs secure the braid in place with a few hair grips (look at picture if confused).
6. To finish spray your hair with a little bit of hairspray. Enjoy
$iley and hannah hair looks Hairguide03
Things You Will Need:
*Blow Dryer
*Flat Iron
*Hair Grips

1. Hop in the shower and wash your hair using shampoo and conditioner. (Please note this hair guide works best on clean hair)
2. Blow dry your hair until it is fully dry and part your to the left of your head. Make sure you bring your bangs to the front.
3. Turn on the flat iron. Whilst it is heating up split your hair into equal sized sections.
4. Flat iron all of your hair until it is completely straight. You can also flat iron your bangs if you want to.
5. Pull your bangs to the side and grip in place.
6. To finish spray your hair with a little bit of hairspray. Enjoy !

$iley and hannah hair looks Hairguide19
Things You Will Need:
*Flat Iron
*Crimp Iron
*Hair Ties

Note: This style works best with washed hair.
1. Straighten all of your hair and bangs if they are all ready not straight.
2. Part your hair down the center of your head, be sure to leave your bangs forward.
3. Turn on your crimp iron and allow it to heat up.
4. Take a medium sized section of hair on both sides of your head and crimp it. (If you dont have a crimper, wet the sections of hair and braid them. Take out the braids when dry.)
5. To finish spray your hair with a little hairspray.
Thanks To Ricki for this guide.

BrB every week ok Girls???
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ღ مشرفهـ قـسم الـмşñـ ღ
ღ مشرفهـ قـسم الـмşñـ  ღ

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 6074
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 496
»»عٍمرُي : 30
»»تٍقيُمي : 1
الموقعღ : a7lamiley.mam9.com / a7l3miley.ahlamontada.com

$iley and hannah hair looks Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: $iley and hannah hair looks   $iley and hannah hair looks Emptyالسبت 03 أبريل 2010, 17:08

يسلموووووووو ع الموضوع
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
رهوفهـ القمورهـ
مشُآركٍه بدٌورُه الفُوتشٌوبٍ≈
رهوفهـ القمورهـ

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 6974
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 1010
»»عٍمرُي : 32
»»تٍقيُمي : 7

$iley and hannah hair looks Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: $iley and hannah hair looks   $iley and hannah hair looks Emptyالسبت 03 أبريل 2010, 17:57

thanks sweety and we will wait u next week
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
قطر الندى
م ـراآآقبـهـ الم‘ــنتَدى الع‘ــآإمَ ..«●
م ـراآآقبـهـ الم‘ــنتَدى الع‘ــآإمَ ..«●
قطر الندى

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 7901
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 1667
»»عٍمرُي : 32
»»تٍقيُمي : 4

$iley and hannah hair looks Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: $iley and hannah hair looks   $iley and hannah hair looks Emptyالسبت 03 أبريل 2010, 22:17

شكرا لك
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
•°• شذى •°•
•°• شذى •°•

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 5596
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 180
»»تٍقيُمي : 1

$iley and hannah hair looks Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: $iley and hannah hair looks   $iley and hannah hair looks Emptyالخميس 15 أبريل 2010, 17:11

موضووووووووع كتير روووووووعة يسلمو يا قلبي
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
ღ مشرفهـ قـسم الـмşñـ ღ
ღ مشرفهـ قـسم الـмşñـ  ღ

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 6074
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 496
»»عٍمرُي : 30
»»تٍقيُمي : 1
الموقعღ : a7lamiley.mam9.com / a7l3miley.ahlamontada.com

$iley and hannah hair looks Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: $iley and hannah hair looks   $iley and hannah hair looks Emptyالخميس 15 أبريل 2010, 22:16

مشاء الله عليكي موااااضيع ولااا أروع

يسلموووو ع الطرح الروووعه
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
miley smil
ღمشرفة الماسنجر ღ
ღمشرفة الماسنجر ღ
miley smil

»»الجُنسِ : انثى
»»النِقآطُ : 6110
»»مٍساهٌماتًي : 526
»»عٍمرُي : 28
»»تٍقيُمي : 7
الموقعღ : www.mileyar.com

$iley and hannah hair looks Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: $iley and hannah hair looks   $iley and hannah hair looks Emptyالسبت 17 أبريل 2010, 20:45

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
$iley and hannah hair looks
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